Barrio 22 de Enero | Conurbano bonaerense | Argentina

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Miguel M. Caamaño | Buenos Aires, Argentina

How to tell the story of the struggle of women, men and children to transform their territory? How to tell a process as valuable as it is complex?

How to put into images the dream of many families for a place to live...?

the need for a place where to share with others

to allow oneself to think beyond the urgent

the resistance in the face of neglect

the historical claim

the organization

the shovel stuck in the ground

the project

the right to life

Expressing the resistance, the dreams, the laughter, the customs, the collective work, the game, the barriers, the problems, the setbacks but, above all, the struggle to transform that which oppresses them.

A journey that traces the practices of transformation of the territory to access the habitat carried out in a co-managerial and cooperative way by the collective of architecture and urbanism professionals Proyecto Habitar in 4 popular neighborhoods of the Buenos Aires suburbs.A journey through the ways in which neighborhood and urban inequality develops, and the various strategies of collective transformation proposed.

Photography as an instrument for the transformation of reality.

This project aims to make visible the daily process of habitat and territory transformation carried out by Proyecto Habitar. Both the photographic and audiovisual material refer to the practices of transformation of the territory to access the habitat that we carry out in a co-managerial and cooperative way the inhabitants of the popular neighborhoods of the Buenos Aires suburbs and the collective of professionals of architecture and urbanism "Proyecto Habitar". A tour through 4 popular neighborhoods of the Buenos Aires suburbs in which collective strategies of access to habitat are deployed on a daily basis to face inequalities and also show new forms of professional practice related to the transformation of the territory in pursuit of full access to the habitat and the city.

To find out more about the work of Proyecto Habitar


Photography as an instrument for the transformation of reality. A means to put on the public agenda, scenes of everyday life that urgently need to be transformed and are usually trapped in the experience of people.

Miguel M. Caamaño
@miguearq (Instagram)

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